0 and $resultid == 1 ) { echo "


";} else { if ( $resultset["FSCOUNT"] == $resultid-1) { echo "


";} } echo ""; if ($imgurl <> "") { echo ""; } echo "
".($offset + $resultid).". $title"; echo "
"; } // handles the attributes for opening tags // $attrs is a multidimensional array keyed by attribute // name and having the value of that attribute function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs=''){ global $currenttag, $parenttag, $title, $abstract, $redir, $url, $imgurl, $imgalt, $resultset, $resultid; if ($currenttag == "") { $parenttag = $currenttag; } $currenttag = $name; if (count($attrs) > 0) { foreach($attrs as $keys) { // print ($keys); if ($name == "RESULTSET") { $resultset = $attrs; } if ($name == "RESULT") { $resultid = $attrs["ID"]+1; //print ($attrs["ID"]); } } } } // $current_tag lets us know what tag we are currently // dealing with - we use that later in the characterData // function. function endElement($parser, $name, $attrs=''){ global $currenttag, $parenttag, $title, $abstract, $redir, $url, $imgurl, $imgalt, $resultset, $resultid; global $Atitle, $Aabstract, $Aredir, $Aurl, $Aimgurl, $Aimgalt; if ($name == "RESULT") { array_push($Atitle, $title); array_push($Aabstract, $abstract); array_push($Aredir, $redir); array_push($Aurl, $url); array_push($Aimgurl, $imgurl); array_push($Aimgalt, $imgalt); $title = ""; $abstract = ""; $redir = ""; $url = ""; $imgurl = ""; $imgalt = ""; } $currenttag = ""; } // this function is passed data between elements function characterData($parser, $data){ global $currenttag, $parenttag, $title, $abstract, $redir, $url, $imgurl, $imgalt, $resultset, $resultid, $alttxt; // $data =~ s/£/£/; if (($currenttag == "ALT") && ($data != "\n")) { $alttxt = $data; } if (($currenttag == "TITLE") && ($data != "\n")) { $title = $title . $data; } if (($currenttag == "ABSTRACT") && ($data != "\n")) { $abstract = $abstract . $data; } if (($currenttag == "URL") && ($data != "\n")) { $url = $url . $data; } if (($currenttag == "REDIR") && ($data != "\n")) { $redir = $redir . $data; } if (($currenttag == "IMGURL") && ($data != "\n")) { $imgurl = $imgurl . $data; } if (($currenttag == "IMGALT") && ($data != "\n")) { $imgalt = $imgalt . $data; } } global $qry, $nres, $nfs, $offset, $details, $img, $filter; global $ass, $fsonly, $ns, $hl, $alt, $alttxt; global $querykey, $queryvar; foreach($_REQUEST As $querykey => $queryvar) { eval("\$$querykey = \"$queryvar\";"); } $qry = stripslashes($qry); // *** Fügen Sie bitte in der folgenden Zeile statt der 1000 Ihren persönlichen Associate-Code ein $ass == 0 ? $ass = 4020 : 0; // *** Hier können Sie die übrigen Parameter ändern $nres == 0 ? $nres = 10 : 0; $nfs == "" ? $nfs = 5 : 0; $offset == "" ? $offset = 0 : 0; $details == "" ? $details = 1 : 0; $fsonly == "" ? $fsonly = 0 : 0; $hl == "" ? $hl = 0 : 0; $alt == "" ? $alt = 0 : 0; $img == "" ? $img = 1 : 0; $filter == "" ? $filter = 0 : 0; $ns == "" ? $ns = 0 : 0; $Atitle = array(); $Aabstract = array(); $Aredir = array(); $Aurl = array(); $Aimgurl = array(); $Aimgalt = array(); $xml_feed = "http://www.mirago.de/scripts/xmlhandler.aspx?"; $xml_feed .= "qry=Kinderwagen,Tragen,Buggy,Knorr," . urlencode($qry); $xml_feed .= "&ip=" . getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); $xml_feed .= "&ass=" . $ass; $xml_feed .= "&details=" . $details; $xml_feed .= "&nres=" . $nres; $xml_feed .= "&offset=" . $offset; $xml_feed .= "&nfs=" . $nfs; $xml_feed .= "&fsonly=" . $fsonly; $xml_feed .= "&hl=" . $hl; $xml_feed .= "&ns=" . $ns; $xml_feed .= "&alt=" . $alt; $xml_feed .= "&img=" . $img; $xml_feed .= "&filter=" . $filter; $pagelink = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME") . "?qry=" . urlencode($qry) . "&ip=" . getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") . "&ass=$ass&nres=$nres&details=$details&fsonly=$fsonly&hl=$hl&nfs=$nfs&ns=$ns&alt=$alt&img=$img&filter=$filter"; // what are we parsing? $type = 'ISO-8859-1'; // create our parser $xml_parser = xml_parser_create($type); // set some parser options xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true); xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $type); // this tells PHP what functions to call when it finds an element // these funcitons also handle the element's attributes xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, 'startElement','endElement'); // this tells PHP what function to use on the character data xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, 'characterData'); if (!($fp = fopen($xml_feed, 'r'))) { die("Could not open $xml_feed for parsing!\n"); } // loop through the file and parse baby! while ($data = fread ($fp, 4096)) { // if (!($data = utf8_encode($data))) { // echo 'ERROR'."\n"; // } if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { die(sprintf( "XML error: %s at line %d\n\n", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } } xml_parser_free($xml_parser); ?> Kinderwagen Tragen, Buggy von Knorr

Shop Verzeichnis


Kinderwagen Tragen, Buggy von Knorr

Alu Comfort-Buggy Buddy marine-camel

Kinderwagen Preisvergleichen lohnt sich, z.B. Tragen Buggy Knorr Hier finden sie weitere Informationen

von Knorr


http://www.xambu.de/kinderladen/images/product_images/popup_images/1194_0.jpg weiter zum Angebot


Suchen Sie auch nach diesen Begriffen:
"; foreach ($altterms as $alttxt) { if ($altterms[0] != $alttxt) { echo", ";} echo "".$alttxt.""; } echo "

"; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $resultset["NUMRESULTS"]; $i++) { $title = array_shift($Atitle); $abstract = array_shift($Aabstract); $redir = array_shift($Aredir); $url = array_shift($Aurl); $imgurl = array_shift($Aimgurl); $imgalt = array_shift($Aimgalt); displayResult($i, $title, $abstract, $redir, $url, $imgurl, $imgalt); } if (($resultset["MORERESULTS"] == "True") || ($offset < "0")) { echo "

"; if ($offset != "0") { echo "<< Vorherige Ergebnisse     "; } if (($resultset["MORERESULTS"] == "True") && ($offset < (200 - $nres))) { echo "Mehr Ergebnisse >>"; } } ?>  


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